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Mary Jo Whelan

CO - Founder & CEO


Tel: 410-491-5224

Mary Jo Whelan is the co-founder and CEO of The McGinley Group Property Management Company.

Mary Jo became an “accidental landlord” in 1996.  After managing her accidental rental property for several years with no experience, education, or guidance and making a lot of newbie mistakes, she decided to become serious about a career as a real estate investor and building a rental portfolio.


She began to educate herself by joining local real estate investor groups, reading books, buying courses, attending both local and national real estate conferences and boot camps, and eventually joining mastermind groups. She became a fast learning and dedicated student.  Mary Jo is a graduate of the National Real Estate Investors Association's PHP program (Professional Housing Provider).  She brings this wealth of knowledge and experience to help both her landlord and residents have an enjoyable rental experience.


In 2001, she bought her first on purpose single-family rental in Federal Hill and her business grew from there.  Along with her son as her partner together, they started their full-service property management company, which includes offering full-scale rental renovations, tenant placement services, and new landlord consulting.


However, as much as she believes education to be an important factor in building a business, she remains a firm believer that new investors should understand the fine line between education and action.  By over educating themselves without action, they can easily get stuck in “paralysis of analysis”.  Fear can then set in and keep them from taking ACTION.  Some of the best learning experiences come through taking action and gaining “on the job training”. 


To make sure her clients are always in compliance, she continues to educate herself on the local and state landlord laws and regulations concerning landlords and rental properties. In 2016, Mary Jo was honored to serve on a 6 month invite-only Rent Court Study Work Group at the Baltimore City District Rent Court as a landlord advocate for proposed legislation bills HB 796 and SB 801.


Mary Jo is extremely passionate about teaching landlords to run their real estate businesses professionally.   Over the years, she facilitated a monthly landlord discussion group at a local real estate meeting.  Currently, she co-facilitates the monthly Land lording Strategies Meeting at the Baltimore Real Estate Investors Association where landlords can learn real-world strategies and solutions to run their rental business. Mary Jo also served as the president of NARPM, National Association of Residential Property Managers. To this day, Mary Jo continuously attends meetings to learn and network and encourages new investors and experienced investors to do the same.


Todd Whelan

CO- Founder & Maintenance Director


Tel: 410-921-9860

Todd stepped into the real estate investing world in 2002 when his Mother was adding another rental to her portfolio.  He began working with the contractor helping with the demo, trash out, and hauling. This would have been his first time on a renovation job, and he soon realized that this experience started his “on the job training”. 


He quickly began to pick up skills as he watched the contractor make the necessary repairs to bring this property to rent-ready condition.  As the years went on, he continued to help with more rental renovations, and his skills steadily grew.  Eventually, he began to do the service calls for the growing portfolio.  As his confidence and knowledge increased, Todd began to perform service calls and rehab houses for other real estate investors. He picked up his real estate license in 2004 and became a listing agent for VA foreclosures.


Todd has developed strong project management skills and found that instead of picking up a hammer his time is better spent orchestrating the renovation jobs from start to finish.


In due course of time, he and his Mother became official partners and created The McGinley Group; their full-service property management and contracting company. 


Over the years Todd has volunteered on several rehab homes for families in need and looks forward to continuing to help out on more volunteer projects in the future.


In his free time, Todd can be found playing softball and kickball with a Baltimore social sports group.  He recently moved into a new home on the water in the Edgemere area and looks forward too many hours fishing and crabbing. 


Lia Evans

Property Manager

Tel: 410-921-9683

Lia Evans.


Jenni Eagan

Leasing Agent & Marketing Director


Jenni specializes in marketing, advertising, and customer service with The McGinley Group. After taking some time to be a stay at home mom with her young son, she decided to venture into the property management field. 


Jenni provides unparalleled support to help prospective tenants find homes, and in turn, helps property owners find quality tenants. She values family above everything and loves helping other families find homes that meet their specific needs and desires.


Jenni also has a passion for music and enjoys singing and playing guitar in her acoustic group, Jenni Anne Band.



Office Supervisor & Human Resources

Tucker is the company mascot and office companion.  He came to the USA from Kuwait through a rescue group.  Lia Evans and Todd Whelan fostered Tucker and then finally adopted him.  In a roundabout way, he ended up becoming a “work dog” at The McGinley Group office.   


He has several jobs that he takes very seriously.  The first, is to let us know when anyone is coming down the driveway or approaching the door. Secondly, he makes sure that we do not get lonely during the day by sitting right on top of our feet or laying his head on our laps.  The third job is helping us relieve stress by giving big hugs, something that he is particularly good at.  Of course, his reward for all his good work is receiving a lot of petting during the day. 

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